Cardiac Catheterization | Family Hospital
Family Hospital

Mexico’s best Hospital for Cosmetic, Bariatrics, and 15 more Specialties!

Cardiac Catheterization

cardiac catheterization
What is Cardiac Catherization?
Cardiac Catheterization or as other called it cardiac carth, is a procedure performed to resolve the severity of present cardiovascular problems that a patient can have. It allows a physician to determine the location and size of plaque congestion in the blood or test the durability of the valves and heart muscles.
Starting at $1,000


Day 1-  Arrival in airport or designated location. Transportation to hospital. Pre-Op testing and consultation. Spend night in hospital 
Day 2- Surgery day, recovery in hospital

Day 3-  Post-Op consultation, patient eligible to go back home or hotel. Transportation  provided back to airport if necessary.


Next steps

1. Complete your Medical Questionaire Form that has been sent to you after requesting a quote 

2. If you have medical images or reports, please upload them or send them so we can start reviewing your case 

3. Please discuss with your Case Manager any particular questions or concerns you have. 

4. Your case manager will discuss with your surgeon your particular case and if necessary will coordinate a conference consultation to go over your case.

5. If you are taking any medications, please be sure to let us know

6. Once we approve your case, we can start planning your itinerary and travel with us 

7. If you need a letter from us to your employer, let us know so we can provide one for time off work related duties.



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"I wanted to write you to thank you for all your help. I truly appreciate all of the work that you put into making my trip a success."

Elizabeth H

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Hospital Address:

Circuito Brasil #82, Parque Industrial "El Alamo". Mexicali, Baja California México.
Right next East Border Entry.


My Doctor Click
1 (800 ) 858-1592
Fax: 1 (760) 259-2008 is owned and operated by the My Doctor Click Network. My Doctor Click works as a facilitator for medical travelers seeking surgery and/or treatments at Hospital de la Familia. is not owned or operated by Grupo Mac.

Hospital de la Familia 2023