Cervical Spine Surgery | Family Hospital
Family Hospital

Mexico’s best Hospital for Cosmetic, Bariatrics, and 15 more Specialties!

Cervical Spine Surgery

What is Cervical Surgery?

Our spinal column is divided into 4 parts, and the first seven vertebrae are named the C1-C7. The first part of your backbone is named the cervical column. It begins on your skull, and it ends up in the neck area. If you are experiencing neck or arm pain, loss of coordination, headaches and fever, weakness in arms, you may be having a cervical spine problem. Sometimes doctors may treat it with physical therapy or medications, but if it does not improve they have to go into surgery. Most of the time the pressure between the vertebrae is damaging the nerves. Cervical Spine surgery is usually minimal-invasive. Contact our case manager to see if you qualify for Cervical Spine Surgery. 
Starting at $Request a Quote
How is Cervical spine surgery performed at Family Hospital?

There are several procedures you should discuss with your case manager and surgeon which is best for you.
 Here are the most popular Cervical Spine procedures at the Famly Hospital: 

1) Discectomy: Under General anesthesia, the surgeon makes a small incision in the neck, and moving the structures to a side reach the vertebrae. The surgeon removes the intervertebral disk and the bone spurs. They could add bone fusion, screws or a plate. 

2) Laminectomy: Under general anesthesia, the surgeon makes an incision in the middle of the neck. Moving all the structures to the side, the surgeon removes the lamina allowing more space for the nerves. 

3) A combination of techniques, depending on your particular situation. The best strategy for your surgery will be determined after careful review of your medical records. 

Next steps

1. Request a Quote. Browse our website and contact us. You will automatically receive an email that will explain to you the next steps. A case manager will contact you within 24 hours to begin the approval.

2. Send Medical Records.  You will automatically receive a link to fill out your medical questionnaire, and your case manager will likely request previous medical records, pictures or any other test that will relate to your final quote and details.

3. Approval and Itinerary Plan. Your case manager will send you “the final quote and detail” description of your travel trip.

4. The arrival.  As a patient, we promise to provide round trip transportation from San Diego and Yuma, AZ and any área within 130 miles radius from Mexicali. The exact time of your consultation or surgery can change to our doctor’s schedule, but we will notify you in advance.

5. Recovery.  Your recovery will consist of having you stay in the hospital or /and hotel, but this will depend on your particular surgical case and request.

Itinerary Example
Day 1 -    Pick up the patient at the airport, transportation to Hospital.
              Pre-Ops & Initial Screening, Overnight in hospital

Day 2 -     Surgery day, Overnight in hospital 

Day 3
-      Recovery in Hotel 

Day 4
-       Recovery in Hotel 

Day 5-       Patient may be eligible to go back home



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Elizabeth H

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Hospital Address:

Circuito Brasil #82, Parque Industrial "El Alamo". Mexicali, Baja California México.
Right next East Border Entry.


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1 (800 ) 858-1592
Fax: 1 (760) 259-2008

Familyhospitalmx.com is owned and operated by the My Doctor Click Network. My Doctor Click works as a facilitator for medical travelers seeking surgery and/or treatments at Hospital de la Familia. familyhospitalmx.com is not owned or operated by Grupo Mac.

Hospital de la Familia 2023