Endometrial Ablation at Family Hospital in Mexicali
Family Hospital

Mexico’s best Hospital for Cosmetic, Bariatrics, and 15 more Specialties!

Endometrial Ablation

endometrial ablation
What is Endometrial Ablation? 

 Endometrial Ablation is a procedure that is often recommended by a gynecologist to replace a Hysterectomy. The procedure consists of removing  the thin layer tissue that surrounds the uterus to stop uncontrolled or excessive uterine bleeding . This particular condition is called menorrhagia, which is defined as a condition when a women has extremely heavy periods or abnormal bleedings such as bleedings that last more than one week, bleedings during non-mentral period days or simply  larger than normal quantities of bleeding during a women’s menstral period.  The cause for this condition is usually due to an imbalanced hormone structure that usually occurs in women moving towards menopause or after menopause.
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How is Endometrial Ablation performed at Family Hospital? 

Although this procedure can be performed at a doctor’s office or personal clinic, we prefer to perform our Endometrial Ablation procedures in our operating theater. We can perform the procedure through a number of techniques such as Electrical ( with electric currents that cauterize the tissue ), Hydrothermal ( Heated fluids that destroy the endometrial lining ), Ballon Therapy ( a heated ballon is inserted therefore removing the lining area ) or Cryoablation ( freezes the lining therefore destroying it. Most of our procedures are performed with a hysteroscope and resectoscope and we most commonly use epidural or blockage to perform the treatment. Your particular technique will depend on our surgeons recommendation.


Itinerary  Example of Medical Travel Trip for Endometrial Ablation

Day 1- 
Arrival in Airport, transportation to the hospital for Pre-Op testing and physician consultation. Rest in Hospital 
Day 2- Surgery day, rest in the hospital          
Day 3- Patient eligible to go to the hotel for the extra day of recovery, some tests performed prior to departure of the hospital. 
Day 4- Patient should rest in the hotel an extra day ( You might be eligable to fly back on this day )
Day 5- Patient is commonly eligible to go back home, transportation back to airport is provided to patient. 

Next Steps  

1. Request a Quote. 
Browse our website and contact us. You will automatically receive an email that will explain to you the next steps. A case manager will contact you within 24 hours to begin the approval.

2. Send Medical Records.  You will automatically receive a link to fill out your medical questionnaire, and it is likely that your case manager will request previous medical records, pictures or any other test that will relate to your final quote and details. 

3. Approval and Itinerary Plan. Your case manager will send you “the final quote and detail” description of your travel trip.

4. The arrival.  As a patient we promise to provide round trip transportation from San Diego and Yuma, AZ and any área within 130 miles radius from Mexicali. The exact time of your consultation or surgery can change to our doctor’s schedule, but we will notify in advance.

5. Recovery. Your recovery will consist of having you stay in the hospital or /and hotel, but this will depend on your particular surgical case and request.

After Surgery Indications

 Depending on the type of anesthesia you had and the technique that was used to perform this treatment, we will let you know how long you will need to stay in the recovery room or the hospital. It is normal to feel cramps or nausea after surgery but will do as best we can to assist you during this time. It is important for you to avoid intercourse or any tampon placements in the vaginal area for at least 3 nights post surgery. You will be able to go back to your regular normal activities after 3 total nights but medication can be prescribed by your surgeon.



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"I wanted to write you to thank you for all your help. I truly appreciate all of the work that you put into making my trip a success."

Elizabeth H

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Hospital Address:

Circuito Brasil #82, Parque Industrial "El Alamo". Mexicali, Baja California México.
Right next East Border Entry.


My Doctor Click
1 (800 ) 858-1592
Fax: 1 (760) 259-2008

Familyhospitalmx.com is owned and operated by the My Doctor Click Network. My Doctor Click works as a facilitator for medical travelers seeking surgery and/or treatments at Hospital de la Familia. familyhospitalmx.com is not owned or operated by Grupo Mac.

Hospital de la Familia 2023