What is Lung Cancer?
Lung cancer is classified by the type of cell that produces the tumor. About 90% are small cell and nonsmall cell lung cancers. The remaining 10% consists of very rare types such as mixed carcinoid or neuroendocrine tumors.The lung is also a very frequent site metastasis of other primary cancers. But these are not true tumors of the lung, but plantings of cancers of other organs such as breast or bowel. Lung cancer, small cell type (also known as 'oat cell')
It is named after the cell size view microscope. Almost invariably relates to smoking and it is estimated that about 20% of all cancers are small cell. They multiply rapidly and can form large tumors, plus their ability to spread to other organs is greater. The small cell is almost always a very aggressive tumor.Metastases usually affect the following organs: lymph nodes, bones, brain, adrenal glands and liver. The primary tumor usually originates near the bronchi and expands toward the center of the lungs.
Lung cancer non-small cell
This cancer accounts for almost 80% of all lung cancers. Spreads more slowly than small cell and occasionally may occur in nonsmokers.There are some varieties of non-small cell cancer of the lung. The two most common are squamous or epidermoid carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. The first is the most common, such as small cell, is born from the depth of the lung, in the center of the chest. Adenocarcinoma is more rare and is usually the kind of lung tumor nonsmokers suffer from. It tends to be born of the most peripheral lung, near the chest wall. Surgery is the treatment modality most likely to be curative, therefore, be resorted to if all of the cancer can be removed and the respiratory status of the patient to tolerate the removal of the portion of lung that needs to be removed.Unfortunately, with small cell lung cancer, we very rarely operate, since it almost always diagnosed extensive stage, when it is inoperable. In comparison, about half of non-small cell lung cancers can be removed at the time of initial diagnosis. However, surgery is only curative if we can remove all the cancerous tissue. It is therefore essential that there are no metastases, the central ganglia of the chest (mediastinum) are free of tumor and the tumor has not invaded irresectable structures as the trachea, aorta or the pleura. There are several different lung resection procedures. The procedure depends on the location of the tumor, and the patient's pre-operative lung function.If the patient's lung function is poor, we may only be able to remove only a small portion of the lung, or if the tumor is localized, called a wedge resection or segmentectomy. In general, anatomic resections such as lobectomies or pneumonectomies are a more effective operation. These operations allow the surgeon to take lung tissue that may have microscopic tumor cells that are otherwise to small to be detected, which reduces the chance of recurrence. It is better to take a larger section at the initial operation that have to return to surgery for another operation. If we remove a lobe of the lung, it is called a lobectomy. If the entire lung is removed, it is called a pneumonectomy
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