Duodenal Switch Surgery | Family Hospital
Family Hospital

Mexico’s best Hospital for Cosmetic, Bariatrics, and 15 more Specialties!

Duodenal Switch Surgery

Duodenal Switch
What is the Duodenal Switch?

A Duodenal Switch is a Weight loss surgical procedure that is composed of a restrictive and malabsorptive aspect. The restrictive portion of the surgery involves removing 70-80% of the stomach along the greater curvature. The malabsorptive portion of the surgery reroutes a lengthy portion of the small intestine, to create two separate pathways and one common channel. The objective is to reduce the amount of time the body has to capture calories from food in the small intestine.
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How do we perform the surgery at Family Hospital?

Under general anesthesia via Laparoscopy, small incisions are applied to the position in the area of the stomach. The surgeon takes 70 % of the stomach's greater curvature. The volume left is approximately one third its original. The Surgeon detaches the first section of the small intestine called duodenum, and the last section of the duodenum taking away the middle section. The last section of the duodenum is attached again to the first section allowing bile and digestive juices to flow. This limits the time food is in the small intestine and the absorption of fats.

Itinerary Example of Medical Travel for Duodenal Switch surgery

 Day 1

Pick up in San Diego, CA or Yuma, AZ or anywhere within 130 miles of Mexicali.
Transportation to Family Hospital in Mexicali BC Mexico for Pre Op Tests and consultation.
Rest in Hospital for next day surgery preparation. 

Day 2-   

Surgery in AM, recover in Hospital. 
Day 3-   

After surgery screenings take place all day, Recover in Hospital 

Day 4 -   

Eligible to leave the hospital if clearance by our Bariatric Team.
If you are flying back home we suggest you spend 1 night in a hotel before departure. 

Day 5 -   

Eligible to Fly back home in the afternoon. Transportation provided
back to the airport by our Driver.

Next steps

1. Request a Quote. Browse our website and contact us. You will automatically receive an email that will explain to you the next steps. A case manager will contact you within 24 hours to begin the approval.

2. Send Medical Records.  You will automatically receive a link to fill out your medical questionnaire, and your case manager will likely request previous medical records, pictures or any other test that will relate to your final quote and details.

3. Approval and Itinerary Plan. Your case manager will send you “the final quote and detail” description of your travel trip.

4. The arrival.  As a patient, we promise to provide round-trip transportation from San Diego and Yuma, AZ and any área within 130 miles radius from Mexicali. The exact time of your consultation or surgery can change to our doctor’s schedule, but we will notify you in advance.

5. Recovery. Travel itinerary will consist of having you stay in the hospital or /and hotel, but this will depend on your particular surgical case and request. 

After Surgery Indications

Take your medications prescribed by the surgeon.
- In case of fever, vomiting, nausea, bleeding, liquid getting out of the incision or if the incision is opening, and deep pain contact your doctor.

- Moderate exercise or physical activity 3-4 weeks after the surgery.

- Clean the wound with soap and water daily.

- Do not smoke or take aspirin for 3 weeks before & after surgery. 

- Follow the Dietary guidelines provided to you for your after surgery. Keep in mind, you must follow 2 weeks of Liquids 
   so your stomach can adapt to the new absorption. 

- Do not lift heavy objects for 3 weeks post-surgery 


1. Is the surgery reversible?   
   It is not because the surgeon removes part of your stomach.

2. How long is the recovery time for the surgery?   
   Full recovery usually is between 2-4 weeks.

3. Can I ever go back to the same weight?
   In a very small percentage, it could happen, mostly caused by High-Calorie foods 

4. After the surgery, Do I have to avoid certain foods?
   Mainly fatty foods by it all depend. The Physician will give you some dietary guidelines,
   so you will know what to eat and the portions.



Mrs. Tammy Oxbrow | Duodenal Switch
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"I wanted to write you to thank you for all your help. I truly appreciate all of the work that you put into making my trip a success."

Elizabeth H

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Hospital Address:

Circuito Brasil #82, Parque Industrial "El Alamo". Mexicali, Baja California México.
Right next East Border Entry.


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1 (800 ) 858-1592
Fax: 1 (760) 259-2008

Familyhospitalmx.com is owned and operated by the My Doctor Click Network. My Doctor Click works as a facilitator for medical travelers seeking surgery and/or treatments at Hospital de la Familia. familyhospitalmx.com is not owned or operated by Grupo Mac.

Hospital de la Familia 2023